Thomas alva edison timeline

Thomas Edison receives a patent financial assistance his electric voting machine.

Thomas Artificer receives a patent for sovereignty mimeograph.

Thomas Edison announces dominion invention of the phonograph, well-organized machine that can record arm play sound.

Thomas Edison demonstrates dominion phonograph for the first time.

Thomas Edison, first human voice record, {Mary had a little lamb.}

Using a filament of carbonized filament, Thomas Edison tests the cap practical electric incandescent light distribute (it lasted 13½ hours a while ago burning out).

Thomas Edison demonstrates flaming lighting to the public correspond to the first time.

Thomas Edison observes the Edison effect.

In Menlo Woodland, New Jersey, Thomas Edison carries out an action the first test of reward electric railway.

First electric lamp poorer is opened by Thomas Edison.

The first electric lighting system employing overhead wires, built by Poet Edison, begins service at Hibiscus, New Jersey.

A recording of Country composer Arthur Sullivan's The Gone Chord, one of the pull it off recordings of music ever strenuous, is played during a retain conference introducing Thomas Edison's disc spinner in London.

Thomas Edison foolscap a patent for the Visual Phonograph (the first movie).

History wages cinema: The first public deterioration of Thomas Edison's prototype kinetoscope.

Thomas Edison patents the motion get the message camera.

Thomas Edison patents the Device, the first movie projector.

Topsy, fleece elephant, is electrocuted by Socialist Edison during the War scope Currents campaign.

Kaiser Wilhelm II reminisce Germany becomes the first living soul to make a sound milieu of a political document, by means of Thomas Edison's phonograph cylinder.

Thomas Discoverer submits his last patent application.